Production Orders (PP-SFC) Sub-Module Wise Tcodes

SAP Production Orders (PP-SFC) Tcodes

CB85Maintenance Print Control for Procurement OrdsPP-SFC
CHGOBJ1Number range maint: CHGCOMPSPP-SFC
CN65Change documents order /networkPP-SFC
CO01Create production orderPP-SFC
CO01SAdding simulation orderPP-SFC
CO02Change Production OrderPP-SFC
CO02SChange simulation orderPP-SFC
CO03Display Production OrderPP-SFC
CO03SDisplay simulation orderPP-SFC
CO04Print Production OrdersPP-SFC
CO04NPrint Production OrdersPP-SFC
CO05Collective Release of Production OrdersPP-SFC
CO05NRelease Production OrdersPP-SFC
CO07Create order without a materialPP-SFC
CO08Production order with sales orderPP-SFC
CO0DSDelete Simulation OrderPP-SFC
CO10Production order with projectPP-SFC
CO20Orders according to Order NumbersPP-SFC
CO21Orders for MaterialPP-SFC
CO22Orders for MRP ControllerPP-SFC
CO23Orders for the production schedulerPP-SFC
CO26Order information systemPP-SFC
CO27Picking listPP-SFC
CO28Choose individual object listsPP-SFC
CO40Converting Planned OrderPP-SFC
CO41 Collective Conversion of Planned OrdersPP-SFC
CO44Mass processing of ordersPP-SFC
CO46Order progress reportPP-SFC
CO47Change comparisonPP-SFC
CO48 Convert planned order to production order part redctPP-SFC
CO80Number range maintenance: AUF_RUECKPP-SFC
CO81Number assignment: routing to orderPP-SFC
CO82Number ranges for ordersPP-SFC
CO83Number range maintenance: RESBPP-SFC
COCMOCM - Initiating objectPP-SFC
COCM1OCM - ProcurementPP-SFC
COF4Maintain filter profs.for proc.orderPP-SFC
COHVMass Processing Production OrdersPP-SFC
COHVOMPRINTPrint Production OrdersPP-SFC
COHVOMRELEASERelease Production OrdersPP-SFC
COHVPIMass Processing: Process OrdersPP-SFC
COISOrder info system: customizingPP-SFC
COISCEditable Fields Mass ProcessingPP-SFC
COISFField Settings in Info SystemPP-SFC
COISLList Types in Information SystemPP-SFC
COISNOrder info system: customizingPP-SFC
COMACCollective Availability CheckPP-SFC
COMPCustomizing Missing Parts Info Syst.PP-SFC
COOISProduction Order Information SystemPP-SFC
COOISPIProcess Order Information SystemPP-SFC
COPAWAPack components for orderPP-SFC
CORUMaintain prod. scheduler groupPP-SFC
COS4Sort profiles - maintain proc. orderPP-SFC
COSSTransport of C TablesPP-SFC
COTBTransport table contents SFCPP-SFC
COTFComm. File Missing Parts Info SystemPP-SFC
COW1Production Order WorkplacePP-SFC
COWBHUWAGI HU for Production OrderPP-SFC
COWF1Task Customizing (Production Order)PP-SFC
ISHN1Create Shift NotePP-SFC
ISHN2Change Shift NotePP-SFC
ISHN3Display Shift NotePP-SFC
ISHN4List Shift Notes for Tech. ObjectsPP-SFC
ISHR1Create Shift Report for Techn. Object PP-SFC
ISHR2Change Shift Report for Techn. Object PP-SFC
ISHR3Display Shift Report for Techn. Object PP-SFC
ISHR4List Shift Reports for Tech. ObjectsPP-SFC
ISHRNIMG Shift Report and Shift NotePP-SFC
KOMMCustomizing pick listPP-SFC
MB26Picking listPP-SFC
NAVP_MANAGEManage Navigation ProfilesPP-SFC
OPK4NConfirmation Parameters (Extended)PP-SFC
OPMJDetermine progress valuesPP-SFC
OPSGOrder change management profilePP-SFC
ORPS1Checks for WorklistsPP-SFC
ORPS11Settings for Variant SelectionPP-SFC
ORPS12COIS POWL Buttons CustomizingPP-SFC
ORPS2Message Type for ConfirmationPP-SFC
ORPS3Qty/Error Combination for Confirm.PP-SFC
ORPS4Assign Quantity Layout to Plant/IDPP-SFC
ORPS7Shift Report TypePP-SFC
ORPS8Shift Note TypePP-SFC
SHN1Create Shift NotePP-SFC
SHN1_Create Shift NotePP-SFC
SHN2Change Shift NotePP-SFC
SHN2_Change Shift NotePP-SFC
SHN3Display Shift NotePP-SFC
SHN3_Display Shift NotePP-SFC
SHN4List Shift NotesPP-SFC
SHN4_List Shift NotesPP-SFC
SHN5Shift Note CockpitPP-SFC
SHR0IMG Shift ReportPP-SFC
SHR1Create Shift ReportPP-SFC
SHR2Change Shift ReportPP-SFC
SHR3Display Shift ReportPP-SFC
SHR4List Shift ReportsPP-SFC
SHR4_List Shift ReportsPP-SFC
Show More PP-SFC Transaction Codes

SAP Order Planning Tcodes

COF1Filter prof. - maintain production orderPP-SFC-PLN
COS1Sort profiles - maintain production orderPP-SFC-PLN
CQ85Maintain prt control for inspection orderPP-SFC-PLN
OCM1Backgrd Job: Processing Initialize ObjectsPP-SFC-PLN
OCM2Backgd Job: Processing Procurement ElementsPP-SFC-PLN
OCM3Background Job: OCM Goods MovementsPP-SFC-PLN
OLPFCustomizing Production OrderPP-SFC-PLN
OPJ2Production order stock determinationPP-SFC-PLN
OPJ4Schedule batch function requestPP-SFC-PLN
OPJ6Maintain Status ProfilesPP-SFC-PLN
OPJ7Maintain Routing UsagePP-SFC-PLN
OPJ8Maintain Operation Control KeyPP-SFC-PLN
OPJ9Maintain prod. scheduler groupPP-SFC-PLN
OPJAMaintain setup group/group categoryPP-SFC-PLN
OPJBSpecify system messagesPP-SFC-PLN
OPJCMaintain Wage GroupsPP-SFC-PLN
OPJDItem CategoriesPP-SFC-PLN
OPJEUser SelectionPP-SFC-PLN
OPJFAutomatic SelectionPP-SFC-PLN
OPJGMaintain Default ValuesPP-SFC-PLN
OPJHOrder types production orderPP-SFC-PLN
OPJIBOM Usage PrioritiesPP-SFC-PLN
OPJJMaintain Scope of CheckPP-SFC-PLN
OPJKMaintain ControlPP-SFC-PLN
OPJLMaintain Checking RulePP-SFC-PLN
OPJMApplication-Specific CriteriaPP-SFC-PLN
OPJNMaintain Scheduling TypePP-SFC-PLN
OPJOC MM-BD units of measurementPP-SFC-PLN
OPJPMaintenance acct.assgnm.types for ordersPP-SFC-PLN
OPJQStandard Value KeyPP-SFC-PLN
OPJRMaintain move time matrixPP-SFC-PLN
OPJTMaintain Strategy LevelsPP-SFC-PLN
OPJUProduction order control parametersPP-SFC-PLN
OPJVMaintain Capacity CategoryPP-SFC-PLN
OPJWMaintain Capa.Planr.Group for WrkCentrPP-SFC-PLN
OPJXFactory Calendar CPP-SFC-PLN
OPJYMaintain perf. efficiency rate keyPP-SFC-PLN
OPJZMaintain Release PeriodsPP-SFC-PLN
OPK0Confirmation Parameters PPPP-SFC-PLN
OPK0TConfirmation ParametersPP-SFC-PLN
OPK1Confirmation Parameters PP-PIPP-SFC-PLN
OPK1TConfirmation ParametersPP-SFC-PLN
OPK2Formula ParametersPP-SFC-PLN
OPK3Define FormulaPP-SFC-PLN
OPK4Confirmation ParametersPP-SFC-PLN
OPK5Maintain variancesPP-SFC-PLN
OPK7Accessing Customizing PDC transferPP-SFC-PLN
OPK8Maintain print control production ordersPP-SFC-PLN
OPK9Maintain Goods Receipt ValuationPP-SFC-PLN
OPKAMaintain Movement TypesPP-SFC-PLN
OPKBControl parallel confirmationPP-SFC-PLN
OPKCControl confirmation process chainPP-SFC-PLN
OPKDControl confirmation process chainPP-SFC-PLN
OPKEScreen Sequence for ComponentsPP-SFC-PLN
OPKFControl parallel confirmationPP-SFC-PLN
OPKGMaintain MessagesPP-SFC-PLN
OPKHMaintain BreakpointsPP-SFC-PLN
OPKIMaintain Collective ConfirmationPP-SFC-PLN
OPKJMaintain PRT Control KeyPP-SFC-PLN
OPKLFormula ParametersPP-SFC-PLN
OPKMDefine FormulaPP-SFC-PLN
OPKNOverview variant production controlPP-SFC-PLN
OPKOCommand File for Production OrdersPP-SFC-PLN
OPKPShop floor control profilePP-SFC-PLN
OPKSMaintain Origins for CO ObjectPP-SFC-PLN
OPKTInitial Screen: Settlement StructurePP-SFC-PLN
OPKWPrint shop papersPP-SFC-PLN
OPKXDeletion Flag/IndicatorPP-SFC-PLN
OPKZCustomizing Matchcode for ProdOrderPP-SFC-PLN
OPL2Maintain trigger point groupPP-SFC-PLN
OPL3Trigger point usagePP-SFC-PLN
OPL4Profile for missing parts listPP-SFC-PLN
OPL5Order type LIS parametersPP-SFC-PLN
OPL6Profile for documented goods movementsPP-SFC-PLN
OPL7Order change management profilePP-SFC-PLN
OPL8Order type parameters: OverviewPP-SFC-PLN
OPL9Parameters for order change mgmtPP-SFC-PLN
OPLAConditions: V_T682F for H COPP-SFC-PLN
OPLBCondTab: Create (batch, prod.)PP-SFC-PLN
OPLCCondTab: Change (batchs, prod.)PP-SFC-PLN
OPLDCondTab: Display (batches, prod.)PP-SFC-PLN
OPLEStrategy types: Batch determ. (prod)PP-SFC-PLN
OPLFAccess: Maintain batch determ.(prod)PP-SFC-PLN
OPLGBatch determ.: Procedure for prod.PP-SFC-PLN
OPLHOverview variant - production ordersPP-SFC-PLN
OPLIBackground job for goods movementsPP-SFC-PLN
OPLJJob Fast entry confirmationPP-SFC-PLN
OPLKOverall profile for order program rep.PP-SFC-PLN
OPLLOrder progress: Displayed fieldsPP-SFC-PLN
OPLMOrder progress: Displayed fieldsPP-SFC-PLN
OPLPJob Convert planned orderPP-SFC-PLN
OPM0Maintain profile - field selectionPP-SFC-PLN
OPM2Maintain Detail Screen Control Oper.PP-SFC-PLN
OPM3Maintain Detail Scrn Control HeaderPP-SFC-PLN
PPPDC02Initial and Delta Dowload PP-PDCPP-SFC-PLN

SAP Order Closing Tcodes

CO78Archiving ordersPP-SFC-CPL
COA1PP: Archiving orders - preparationPP-SFC-CPL
COA2PP: Archiving ordersPP-SFC-CPL
COA3PP: Archiving orders - retrievalPP-SFC-CPL
COA4PP: Archiving order - administrationPP-SFC-CPL
COA9PP: Archiving delete ordersPP-SFC-CPL

SAP Information System Tcodes

MDBTVRCreate variant for tabPP-SFC-IS
OMDB01Create application IDPP-SFC-IS