Tcode | Description | Module |
COF1 | Filter prof. - maintain production order | PP-SFC-PLN |
COS1 | Sort profiles - maintain production order | PP-SFC-PLN |
CQ85 | Maintain prt control for inspection order | PP-SFC-PLN |
OCM1 | Backgrd Job: Processing Initialize Objects | PP-SFC-PLN |
OCM2 | Backgd Job: Processing Procurement Elements | PP-SFC-PLN |
OCM3 | Background Job: OCM Goods Movements | PP-SFC-PLN |
OLPF | Customizing Production Order | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJ2 | Production order stock determination | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJ4 | Schedule batch function request | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJ6 | Maintain Status Profiles | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJ7 | Maintain Routing Usage | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJ8 | Maintain Operation Control Key | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJ9 | Maintain prod. scheduler group | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJA | Maintain setup group/group category | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJB | Specify system messages | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJC | Maintain Wage Groups | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJD | Item Categories | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJE | User Selection | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJF | Automatic Selection | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJG | Maintain Default Values | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJH | Order types production order | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJI | BOM Usage Priorities | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJJ | Maintain Scope of Check | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJK | Maintain Control | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJL | Maintain Checking Rule | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJM | Application-Specific Criteria | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJN | Maintain Scheduling Type | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJO | C MM-BD units of measurement | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJP | Maintenance acct.assgnm.types for orders | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJQ | Standard Value Key | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJR | Maintain move time matrix | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJT | Maintain Strategy Levels | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJU | Production order control parameters | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJV | Maintain Capacity Category | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJW | Maintain Capa.Planr.Group for WrkCentr | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJX | Factory Calendar C | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJY | Maintain perf. efficiency rate key | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPJZ | Maintain Release Periods | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK0 | Confirmation Parameters PP | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK0T | Confirmation Parameters | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK1 | Confirmation Parameters PP-PI | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK1T | Confirmation Parameters | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK2 | Formula Parameters | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK3 | Define Formula | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK4 | Confirmation Parameters | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK5 | Maintain variances | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK6 | List Layout | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK7 | Accessing Customizing PDC transfer | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK8 | Maintain print control production orders | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPK9 | Maintain Goods Receipt Valuation | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKA | Maintain Movement Types | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKB | Control parallel confirmation | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKC | Control confirmation process chain | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKD | Control confirmation process chain | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKE | Screen Sequence for Components | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKF | Control parallel confirmation | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKG | Maintain Messages | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKH | Maintain Breakpoints | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKI | Maintain Collective Confirmation | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKJ | Maintain PRT Control Key | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKK | Standard Text | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKL | Formula Parameters | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKM | Define Formula | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKN | Overview variant production control | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKO | Command File for Production Orders | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKP | Shop floor control profile | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKR | Print flag | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKS | Maintain Origins for CO Object | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKT | Initial Screen: Settlement Structure | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKV | Print Flag | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKW | Print shop papers | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKX | Deletion Flag/Indicator | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPKZ | Customizing Matchcode for ProdOrder | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPL2 | Maintain trigger point group | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPL3 | Trigger point usage | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPL4 | Profile for missing parts list | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPL5 | Order type LIS parameters | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPL6 | Profile for documented goods movements | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPL7 | Order change management profile | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPL8 | Order type parameters: Overview | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPL9 | Parameters for order change mgmt | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLA | Conditions: V_T682F for H CO | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLB | CondTab: Create (batch, prod.) | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLC | CondTab: Change (batchs, prod.) | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLD | CondTab: Display (batches, prod.) | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLE | Strategy types: Batch determ. (prod) | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLF | Access: Maintain batch determ.(prod) | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLG | Batch determ.: Procedure for prod. | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLH | Overview variant - production orders | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLI | Background job for goods movements | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLJ | Job Fast entry confirmation | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLK | Overall profile for order program rep. | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLL | Order progress: Displayed fields | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLM | Order progress: Displayed fields | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPLP | Job Convert planned order | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPM0 | Maintain profile - field selection | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPM2 | Maintain Detail Screen Control Oper. | PP-SFC-PLN |
OPM3 | Maintain Detail Scrn Control Header | PP-SFC-PLN |
PPPDC02 | Initial and Delta Dowload PP-PDC | PP-SFC-PLN |
PPPDC03 | Upload Request PP-PDC | PP-SFC-PLN |
PPPDC04 | Update PDC Messages PP-PDC | PP-SFC-PLN |
S_AC0_52000885 | | PP-SFC-PLN |