SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - CKMD

DescriptionTransactions for a Material
Program NameSAPRCKMR
Screen Number1000
Transaction TypeR
ModuleControllingProduct Cost ControllingActual Costing/Material Ledger

The SAP TCode CKMD is used for the task : Transactions for a Material. The TCode belongs to the CKML package.

SAP TCode CKMD - Transactions for a Material

SAP Actual Costing/Material Ledger Tcodes

OMX2Define Material Ledger TypeCO-PC-ACT
OMX7Definition ML Movement Type GroupsCO-PC-ACT
OMXEAssign Naming Structure to PlantCO-PC-ACT
CKMGAllow Closing EntriesCO-PC-ACT
OMRWTreatment of Exch. Rate DifferencesCO-PC-ACT
CKMLLAPrices in the Material LedgerCO-PC-ACT
OMXADisplay Quantity Structure TypeCO-PC-ACT
OMX3ML Assignment of Valuation AreaCO-PC-ACT
CKRU03ML Costing Run, Display ProfileCO-PC-ACT
OMX5Dyn. Price Release Plan. Pr. ChangeCO-PC-ACT
Full List of SAP Actual Costing/Material Ledger Tcodes