SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - CVAD

DescriptionInitial Screen for Archiving
Transaction TypeP
ModuleCross-Application ComponentsDocument Management System

The SAP TCode CVAD is used for the task : Initial Screen for Archiving. The TCode belongs to the CV package.

SAP TCode CVAD - Initial Screen for Archiving

SAP Document Management System Tcodes

CV03NDisplay documentCA-DMS
CVW4ADisplay document lists in WWWCA-DMS
CV03Display Document Info RecordCA-DMS
CVI9Log for distribution ordersCA-DMS
CVWDWWW access:Distribtution order pack.CA-DMS
OD77Document Output Determ. ProcedureCA-DMS
OD75Output Types for DocumentsCA-DMS
CV02NChange DocumentCA-DMS
CV01NCreate DocumentCA-DMS
CVW1Internet scenario for documentsearchCA-DMS
Full List of SAP Document Management System Tcodes