SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - CVIX

DescriptionActivate event type linkage
Program NameSAPLCVV5
Screen Number2000
Transaction TypeT
ModuleCross-Application ComponentsDocument Management System

The SAP TCode CVIX is used for the task : Activate event type linkage. The TCode belongs to the CVDI package.

SAP TCode CVIX - Activate event type linkage

SAP Document Management System Tcodes

ODI2Number range for initial order IdCA-DMS
CVWDWWW access:Distribtution order pack.CA-DMS
CV02Change Document Info RecordCA-DMS
OD06Data carrierCA-DMS
CVIIDisplay Initial Order on Classific.CA-DMS
CVIYTask-specific CustomizingCA-DMS
ODI1Number range for distr. order IdCA-DMS
ODI4Number range for partial order IdCA-DMS
DC30Define workstation applicationCA-DMS
OD20Data Carrier TypeCA-DMS
Full List of SAP Document Management System Tcodes