SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - DRPA

DescriptionDefinition of DRP Planning Run
Program NameSAPMMDRP
Screen Number200
Transaction TypeT
ModuleProduction Planning and ControlSales and Operations PlanningDistribution Requirements Planning

The SAP TCode DRPA is used for the task : Definition of DRP Planning Run. The TCode belongs to the MDRP package.

SAP TCode DRPA - Definition of DRP Planning Run

SAP Distribution Requirements Planning Tcodes

DRP4Network Graphic/Quotas ViewPP-SOP-DRP
DRPADefinition of DRP Planning RunPP-SOP-DRP
DRP0Network GraphicPP-SOP-DRP
DRPWDeployment for PlantPP-SOP-DRP
DRPODeployment for MaterialPP-SOP-DRP
DRP9Maintain Plant CategoriesPP-SOP-DRP
DRPSCalculate Safety StockPP-SOP-DRP
DRP8Maintain Materials DeploymentPP-SOP-DRP
DRPMDeployment for MaterialPP-SOP-DRP
DRPBDeployment: Background ProcessingPP-SOP-DRP