SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - F-90

SAP TcodeF-90
DescriptionAcquisition from purchase w. vendor
Program NameSAPMF05A
Screen Number100
Transaction TypeP
ModuleFinancial AccountingAsset AccountingBasic Functions

The SAP TCode F-90 is used for the task : Acquisition from purchase w. vendor. The TCode belongs to the AB package.

SAP TCode F-90 - Acquisition from purchase w. vendor

SAP Basic Functions Tcodes

AO25Unit-of-production depreciationFI-AA-AA
OAAYFI-AA: Hist. layout set-asset classFI-AA-AA
AR29Re- and New Valuation of AssetsFI-AA-AA
AR31Edit WorklistFI-AA-AA
AR25Depreciation postedFI-AA-AA
OACDCustomer name for evaluation group 1FI-AA-AA
OAXEDeprec. areas for transaction typesFI-AA-AA
OA1XAsset Data TransferFI-AA-AA
OAYPShortening rules for shortened FYFI-AA-AA
ARMOSchedule Monitor: Asset AccountingFI-AA-AA
Full List of SAP Basic Functions Tcodes