SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - F9A7

SAP TcodeF9A7
DescriptionBCA: Revoke Check Block
Program NameSAPLFBA8
Screen Number500
Transaction TypeT
ModuleBank ComponentsBank Customer AccountsPosition Management

The SAP TCode F9A7 is used for the task : BCA: Revoke Check Block. The TCode belongs to the FKBS_FINSERV package.

SAP TCode F9A7 - BCA: Revoke Check Block

SAP Position Management Tcodes

F9A25BCA: Location Maintenance Position MgmtIS-B-BCA-MPM
F9SPPosition Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod.IS-B-BCA-MPM
F9C]Position: Authorization TypesIS-B-BCA-MPM
F9A19BCA: Release Check StackIS-B-BCA-MPM
F9SOPosition Control: Scrn.Field.->DB Field.IS-B-BCA-MPM
F9A11Delete CheckIS-B-BCA-MPM
F9A50Change Check StatusIS-B-BCA-MPM
F9A0BCA: Block ChecksIS-B-BCA-MPM
F9A26BCA: Stack Location SettingsIS-B-BCA-MPM
F9SMPosition Control: Field GroupsIS-B-BCA-MPM
Full List of SAP Position Management Tcodes