SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FCOSETTINGS

DescriptionSettings in Failure Cost Processing
Transaction TypeP
ModuleControllingProduct Cost ControllingCost Object Controlling

The SAP TCode FCOSETTINGS is used for the task : Settings in Failure Cost Processing. The TCode belongs to the CO_OBJ_FCO package.

SAP TCode FCOSETTINGS - Settings in Failure Cost Processing

SAP Cost Object Controlling Tcodes

KKC1Create Cost ObjectCO-PC-OBJ
OKGKMaintain Capitalization PercentagesCO-PC-OBJ
OKGDCustomizing: WIP ValuationCO-PC-OBJ
OKS1Generate Reports for Int.Ord.: BatchCO-PC-OBJ
OKKLTransfer of Cstg Table Entries: 2.1DCO-PC-OBJ
OKS6Generate Reports for Cost Ctr: BatchCO-PC-OBJ
OKV5Maintain Tgt Cost Vers for Cost CtrsCO-PC-OBJ
KKAKActual Results Analysis: Sales OrdrsCO-PC-OBJ
KKF2Change CO Production OrderCO-PC-OBJ
OKVFChange Variance Vrnts for Cost CtrCO-PC-OBJ
Full List of SAP Cost Object Controlling Tcodes