SAP FM B Tcodes (Transaction Codes)
Tcode | Description | Module |
0DIS01 | Distribution profile | IS-AD-GPD |
0FIEHGF002_01 | Retrieval of Object Data | FI-LA |
0FILA001CE_5 | Change Process Rest. BLEX | FI-LA |
0FILA001S_1 | Subprocesses | FI-LA |
0FILA003_11 | Determine Accrual Postings Balance | FI-LA |
0FILA003_14 | Net Book Value at Retirement | FI-LA |
0FILA003_2 | Value Determ. by Assign.Constants | FI-LA |
0FILA003_3 | Value Determination By Value Support | FI-LA |
0FILA003_7 | Value ID of Inbound Predecessor | FI-LA |
0FILA003_9 | Value Determination By Derivation | FI-LA |
0FILA007C_1 | Add Value ID to Basis Payment Schedule | FI-LA |
0FILA007VC_1 | Value Determination by Calculation | FI-LA |
0FILA009_10 | Fill Basis Struct. for Fin.Class. | FI-LA |
0FILA009_11 | Fill Basis Struct. for Validations | FI-LA |
0FILA009_12 | Fill Bas.Struct.for Deriv. UseflLife | FI-LA |
0FILA009_2 | Fill Basis Struct. for Substitution | FI-LA |
0FILA009_3 | Fill Basis Struct. for Derivation | FI-LA |
0FILA009_9 | Fill Basis Struct. for Valid.Determ. | FI-LA |
0FILACHECK_02 | List of Subprocesses | FI-LA |
0FILACREATE_01 | Generate Table Entries | FI-LA |
0FILAHELP_02 | Where-Used List Error Numbers in LAE | FI-LA |
0FILALAYOUT | Tabstrip Explorer/Adjustments | FI-LA |
0FILALAYOUTADMN | Tabstrip Explorer/Adjustments | FI-LA |
0FILALDB000_02 | Assign Valuation IDs to Fields of Log. DB | FI-LA |
0FILALDB001_01 | Specify Determination of Data Basis | FI-LA |
0FILALDB001_02 | Specify Determination of Data Basis | FI-LA |
0FILASTRUC_ACINF | Struc. Enhancement for Substitution | FI-LA |
0FILASTRUC_LDB_ITEMS | Struc. Adjustment Fields of Log. DB | FI-LA |
0FILASTRUC_POINF | Struc. Enhancement for Substitution | FI-LA |
0FILASTRUC_VALSUP | Struc. Enhancement for Substitution | FI-LA |