SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FMIT

DescriptionTotals-Based Distribution Procedure
Program NameRFFMUD21
Screen Number1000
Transaction TypeR
ModulePublic Sector ManagementFunds ManagementBudgeting and Availability Control

The SAP TCode FMIT is used for the task : Totals-Based Distribution Procedure. The TCode belongs to the FMOV package.

SAP TCode FMIT - Totals-Based Distribution Procedure

SAP Budgeting and Availability Control Tcodes

FMDYFM: Financial Result Data TransferPSM-FM-BU
OFR1Cover Pool Number RangesPSM-FM-BU
FM9KFIFM: Change Budget StructurePSM-FM-BU
FMD2FM: Display Carryforward RulesPSM-FM-BU
FR73Change Parked DocumentPSM-FM-BU
FR02Display original commitmentsPSM-FM-BU
FR24Display Return CommitmentsPSM-FM-BU
FMDFFM: Location Authorization : Display Fin. ResultPSM-FM-BU
FMDGFM: Location Authorization : Change FR in CEPSM-FM-BU
FM7SMassMaintenac. Rules-CoverEligibiltyPSM-FM-BU
Full List of SAP Budgeting and Availability Control Tcodes