SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FMUM

DescriptionDisplay Field Selctn ->Variant/Group
Transaction TypeP
ModuleFinancial AccountingFunds Management

The SAP TCode FMUM is used for the task : Display Field Selctn ->Variant/Group. The TCode belongs to the FMRE package.

SAP TCode FMUM - Display Field Selctn ->Variant/Group

SAP Funds Management Tcodes

FM+2Display FM Amount GroupsFI-FM
FM+7Maintain FM Document ClassesFI-FM
FM+8Display FM Activity CategoriesFI-FM
FMVA01Collective Prcssng Value AdjustmentsFI-FM
FM2EFM: Change Budget DocumentFI-FM
FMXPM3Funds Reservation: Display Value Adj.FI-FM
FM+9Maintain FM Activity CategoriesFI-FM
FMY5Change FM Account Asst in Funds PrcmmtFI-FM
FM2FFM: Display Budget DocumentFI-FM
FMX4Approve Funds ReservationFI-FM
Full List of SAP Funds Management Tcodes