SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FNF2

DescriptionRollover: Change file
Program NameSAPMF67F
Screen Number100
Transaction TypeT
ModuleFinancial ServicesLoans Management

The SAP TCode FNF2 is used for the task : Rollover: Change file. The TCode belongs to the FVVD package.

SAP TCode FNF2 - Rollover: Change file

SAP Loans Management Tcodes

FN21Change borrower's note offerFS-CML
FNV9Policy Contract WIthdrawalFS-CML
FNM2Balance sheet transferFS-CML
PSSDCheck BNL flow typesFS-CML
FN5VPayoff other loan contractFS-CML
FNXUList of Imported LoansFS-CML
FZCBFlow types relationship keysFS-CML
FNIPDisplay collateral valueFS-CML
FNZAAccount Determination CustomizingFS-CML
FN8XBusiness Operations: WorkplaceFS-CML
Full List of SAP Loans Management Tcodes