SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FNFO

DescriptionISIS: Create file
Program NameSAPMF67F
Screen Number100
Transaction TypeT
ModuleFinancial ServicesLoans Management

The SAP TCode FNFO is used for the task : ISIS: Create file. The TCode belongs to the FVVD package.

SAP TCode FNFO - ISIS: Create file

SAP Loans Management Tcodes

FNM5Automatic debit position simulationFS-CML
FZCBFlow types relationship keysFS-CML
FN3VDisplay other loan contractFS-CML
FNL6New businessFS-CML
FZXRFlow types per posting applicationFS-CML
FNVDDisburse ContractFS-CML
FN40Create other loan interested partyFS-CML
FN23Delete borrower's note offerFS-CML
FNCW2Administrative ResponsibilityFS-CML
FNIDDeactivate Interested PartyFS-CML
Full List of SAP Loans Management Tcodes