SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FOQ8

DescriptionRE: Display CH rent adj.log
Transaction TypeP
ModuleReal Estate Management

The SAP TCode FOQ8 is used for the task : RE: Display CH rent adj.log. The TCode belongs to the FVVI package.

SAP TCode FOQ8 - RE: Display CH rent adj.log

SAP Real Estate Management Tcodes

FOSLGeneral Real Estate Posting LogRE
FVIESRRE: Import POR data (Switzerland)RE
FO4FStandard settings building analysisRE
FORQRE: Rent adj. - Simulate areaRE
FOUJRFVI: Calculate rent adjustment USRRE
FOTI05RETI: Screen Layout SectionsRE
FOAR71Managing property archivesRE
FOEWDisplay form for real estate reportRE
FOQHRE: Calculate FAR rent adj.RE
Full List of SAP Real Estate Management Tcodes