SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FQC1404

SAP TcodeFQC1404
DescriptionDetermination of Posting Transacts
Transaction TypeP
ModuleFinancial AccountingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable

The SAP TCode FQC1404 is used for the task : Determination of Posting Transacts. The TCode belongs to the FKKB package.

SAP TCode FQC1404 - Determination of Posting Transacts

SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tcodes

FQEXC2Document Types for Posting for FrameworkFI-CA
FQZJFI-CA: Clariftn Account Incmg PaymntsFI-CA
FQZ14FI-CA Maintenance Table TFKZRGRFI-CA
FQZ9FI-CA: Account Det - Tax Clearing/DwnpmtFI-CA
FQ1272FI-CA: Prepaid Balance (Contr.Account )FI-CA
FPAR12FI-CA: Invoicing by Third PartyFI-CA
FQ2110Tfr Pstg to Resp. Company CodeFI-CA
FQZOFI-CA: Account Det- Reset Clrd Itms Definition FI-CA
FQZ23FI-CA: Information to Collective AgencyFI-CA
FPT1MCheck Totals Records - Mass RunFI-CA
Full List of SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tcodes