SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FQZ07

SAP TcodeFQZ07
DescriptionFI-CA: Default Vals Receivable Valtn
Transaction TypeP
ModuleFinancial AccountingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable

The SAP TCode FQZ07 is used for the task : FI-CA: Default Vals Receivable Valtn. The TCode belongs to the FKKB package.

SAP TCode FQZ07 - FI-CA: Default Vals Receivable Valtn

SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tcodes

FP_PV3Display Partner AgreementFI-CA
FQ0015Account Assignment of Other TaxesFI-CA
FQEXC4Enter Specific for Agent CommissionsFI-CA
FPN11Number Range Maint: FKKPRENOTFI-CA
FQZ11FI-CA: Account Determination -Ind. Valuation AdjustmentFI-CA
FQDM1Posting Area 3001FI-CA
FQKPMAccount Balance:Line Layout VariantsFI-CA
FP_VT1Create Provider ContractFI-CA
FPFMDYExecutn of Subsequent FM ActivationFI-CA
FQZ05FI-CA: Account Det - Autom. ClearingFI-CA
Full List of SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tcodes