SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FZ91

SAP TcodeFZ91
DescriptionCustomer input per product type
Transaction TypeP
ModuleFinancial ServicesLoans Management

The SAP TCode FZ91 is used for the task : Customer input per product type. The TCode belongs to the FTLC package.

SAP TCode FZ91 - Customer input per product type

SAP Loans Management Tcodes

FNM6Post Interest on ArrearsFS-CML
FNY6New Business: Delete TableFS-CML
FNQ5Transact.type - Account determinat.adj.FS-CML
FNBTBalance Sheet TransferFS-CML
FN20Create borrower's note offerFS-CML
FZBPContracting Party/Class RelatnshipsFS-CML
FN8AManual Entry: Unscheduled RepaymentFS-CML
FNX7Rollover: Deactivate TableFS-CML
FN4AWthdrw/Reduce Other Loan ApplicationFS-CML
FNI4Mortgage Application WithdrawalFS-CML
Full List of SAP Loans Management Tcodes