SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - IHCLOGBASTA

DescriptionLogs for Account Statement Postings
Transaction TypeP
ModuleBank ComponentsBank Customer Accounts

The SAP TCode IHCLOGBASTA is used for the task : Logs for Account Statement Postings. The TCode belongs to the FKBI package.

SAP TCode IHCLOGBASTA - Logs for Account Statement Postings

SAP Bank Customer Accounts Tcodes

F9B2Posting Cut-Off Pay. Transaction BatchIS-B-BCA
RTPB09RPUS Struct: Screen SequenceIS-B-BCA
RTPB01RPUS Cntrl: Application TransactionsIS-B-BCA
F9IDBCA: CpD Editing of Payment ItemIS-B-BCA
FIHB6Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHBIS-B-BCA
FIHB7Reversal of IHC Payment RequestsIS-B-BCA
F9CSO7SO Control: EventsIS-B-BCA
F98TMApplication Log for Term ControlIS-B-BCA
F9CSOJSO Control: FM per ActivityIS-B-BCA
F9O43Release Standing OrderIS-B-BCA
Full List of SAP Bank Customer Accounts Tcodes