SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - J1I0

SAP TcodeJ1I0
DescriptionCustomizing wizard
Program NameJ_1ICWIZ
Screen Number1000
Transaction TypeR
ModuleFinancial AccountingLocalization

The SAP TCode J1I0 is used for the task : Customizing wizard. The TCode belongs to the J1I2 package.

SAP TCode J1I0 - Customizing wizard

SAP Localization Tcodes

J2IER1Monthly er1 reportFI-LOC
J1IGRG23D register receipt at depotFI-LOC
J1IKSelection of Excise Invoice - CommonFI-LOC
J1INHCHealth check for migration to EWTFI-LOC
J1BFCreate Entries for Output TypeFI-LOC
J1ASDisplay Composite IndexFI-LOC
J1IF13Challan Complete/Reverse/RecreditFI-LOC
J1IF12Subcontracting Challans : DisplayFI-LOC
J1ABNumber range maintenance: J_1AOFFDOCFI-LOC
Full List of SAP Localization Tcodes