SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - J1IR02

SAP TcodeJ1IR02
DescriptionChange AIN
Program NameSAPLJ1IRET
Screen Number100
Transaction TypeT
ModuleFinancial AccountingLocalization

The SAP TCode J1IR02 is used for the task : Change AIN. The TCode belongs to the J1IRET package.

SAP TCode J1IR02 - Change AIN

SAP Localization Tcodes

J1IDRate maint & amend open po's/so'sFI-LOC
GT_DLUpload Inbound File from GTFI-LOC
J1A6Modify Official Document NumberFI-LOC
J1IINOutgoing Excise InvoiceFI-LOC
J1IR20Post Goods Receipt from AINFI-LOC
J2ICService tax returnsFI-LOC
EMC_JPTransaction code for Japan EMCFI-LOC
J_CLMLMaterial Ledger (Chile)FI-LOC
J1BPOutput CondTable/Change Nota FiscalFI-LOC
J1IGADAdditional Excise at Depot DisplayFI-LOC
Full List of SAP Localization Tcodes