SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - J1ISAL

DescriptionSales Register - India
Program NameJ_2ISALREG
Screen Number1000
Transaction TypeR
ModuleFinancial AccountingLocalization

The SAP TCode J1ISAL is used for the task : Sales Register - India. The TCode belongs to the J1I2 package.

SAP TCode J1ISAL - Sales Register - India

SAP Localization Tcodes

J1BFCreate Entries for Output TypeFI-LOC
J1A3MM goods issue revaluationFI-LOC
J1IFQChallan : Reconcile QuantityFI-LOC
J1I2Sales Tax RegisterFI-LOC
J1ARDisplay Index DataFI-LOC
FTRSLKExpense Account BalancesFI-LOC
J1B3NDisplay Nota Fiscal - EnjoyFI-LOC
GT_ULNCreate Outbound File for GTSFI-LOC
J1B1Create Nota Fiscal (Writer)FI-LOC
J_CLMLMaterial Ledger (Chile)FI-LOC
Full List of SAP Localization Tcodes