SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - J2I5

SAP TcodeJ2I5
Program NameJ_2IREXT
Screen Number1000
Transaction TypeR
ModuleFinancial AccountingLocalization

The SAP TCode J2I5 is used for the task : Extract. The TCode belongs to the J2IN package.

SAP TCode J2I5 - Extract

SAP Localization Tcodes

J1IENumber range maintenance: J_1ITDSNOFI-LOC
J1INARAnnual ReturnsFI-LOC
GT_DLUpload Inbound File from GTFI-LOC
J1IAExcise Invoice DetailsFI-LOC
J1B3NDisplay Nota Fiscal - EnjoyFI-LOC
J1I0Customizing wizardFI-LOC
J1IRData DownloadFI-LOC
FTR03Bill of Exchange TransactionsFI-LOC
J1AXMarket price determination programFI-LOC
J1INJVEnter Journal VoucherFI-LOC
Full List of SAP Localization Tcodes