SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - JITO3

DescriptionDisplay: Outbound Call
Program NameSAPLJITOUT05
Screen Number3000
Transaction TypeT
ModuleIndustry Solution AutomotiveJust-In-Time Processing

The SAP TCode JITO3 is used for the task : Display: Outbound Call. The TCode belongs to the DI_JITOUT package.

SAP TCode JITO3 - Display: Outbound Call

SAP Just-In-Time Processing Tcodes

JITSGraphic Progress ConfirmationIS-A-JIT
OJIT53Scheduling Profile SumJCsIS-A-JIT
JITLOGDisplay Action LogIS-A-JIT
JITBReprocess Pool of ConfirmationsIS-A-JIT
OJIT8JIT : Ctrl Prfle Int. Warehouse CallIS-A-JIT
JIT1JIT Call InboundIS-A-JIT
OJIT24Profile Delivery Creation (JIT)IS-A-JIT
OJIT50Replenishment Strategy SumJCsIS-A-JIT
OJIT5JIT : Sort Variant MaintenanceIS-A-JIT
OJIT57Number Range Maintenance JITO_DLCNIS-A-JIT
Full List of SAP Just-In-Time Processing Tcodes