SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - KKAT

DescriptionWIP Display for Product Cost Collective
Program NameSAPMKKAC
Screen Number121
Transaction TypeT
ModuleControllingProduct Cost ControllingCost Object Controlling

The SAP TCode KKAT is used for the task : WIP Display for Product Cost Collective . The TCode belongs to the KKAG package.

SAP TCode KKAT - WIP Display for Product Cost Collective

SAP Cost Object Controlling Tcodes

KK96COC Change Planning Layout Statistical KFCO-PC-OBJ
KKA1Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc.CO-PC-OBJ
OKTPCall Summar. Hierarchy for ProjectsCO-PC-OBJ
OKS9Generate Reports for Run SchedulesCO-PC-OBJ
OKT8Cost Elem. Groups: General Cost ObjCO-PC-OBJ
OKS4Generate Reports for Process MfgCO-PC-OBJ
OKG8Posting Rules for Res. Analysis DataCO-PC-OBJ
KKA2Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.CO-PC-OBJ
KKAXWIP Calculation for OrderCO-PC-OBJ
KK67COC Display Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInptCO-PC-OBJ
Full List of SAP Cost Object Controlling Tcodes