SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - KKPV

DescriptionDelete Transaction Data
Program NameRKKPPV01
Screen Number1000
Transaction TypeR
ModuleControllingProduct Cost ControllingCost Object Controlling

The SAP TCode KKPV is used for the task : Delete Transaction Data. The TCode belongs to the KKP package.

SAP TCode KKPV - Delete Transaction Data

SAP Cost Object Controlling Tcodes

OKVFChange Variance Vrnts for Cost CtrCO-PC-OBJ
OKSTReport Layouts for Summ. ObjectsCO-PC-OBJ
OKR2Report List for Repetitive MfgCO-PC-OBJ
OKSVMaintain Cost Component StructureCO-PC-OBJ
OKV0Variance Keys for Cost CentersCO-PC-OBJ
KKAIPPlanned Results Analysis: OrdersCO-PC-OBJ
KKA2Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.CO-PC-OBJ
OKTEImport Reports for Process MfgCO-PC-OBJ
OKRCReport List for Run Schedule HeadersCO-PC-OBJ
KKPKCollective EntryCO-PC-OBJ
Full List of SAP Cost Object Controlling Tcodes