SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OD52

SAP TcodeOD52
DescriptionDMS IAC - User allocation
Transaction TypeP
ModuleCross-Application ComponentsDocument Management System

The SAP TCode OD52 is used for the task : DMS IAC - User allocation. The TCode belongs to the CV package.

SAP TCode OD52 - DMS IAC - User allocation

SAP Document Management System Tcodes

CV02Change Document Info RecordCA-DMS
CV03NDisplay documentCA-DMS
ODI4Number range for partial order IdCA-DMS
CVIXActivate event type linkageCA-DMS
DC10Define document typesCA-DMS
OD90Record Layout for Batch Input (Docs)CA-DMS
CVI2Change recipient listCA-DMS
CV90Number ranges for documentsCA-DMS
CVW4ADisplay document lists in WWWCA-DMS
OD41Global DMS SettingsCA-DMS
Full List of SAP Document Management System Tcodes