SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OF21

SAP TcodeOF21
DescriptionFM: Budget Versions
Program NameROOBP100
Screen Number1000
Transaction TypeR
ModulePublic Sector ManagementFunds ManagementBudgeting and Availability Control

The SAP TCode OF21 is used for the task : FM: Budget Versions. The TCode belongs to the KABP_ADDON package.

SAP TCode OF21 - FM: Budget Versions

SAP Budgeting and Availability Control Tcodes

FM80Budget Increasing Rev. Maintenance - DisplayPSM-FM-BU
FMG3Display Budget Structure TemplatePSM-FM-BU
FR65Park Original Budget DistributionPSM-FM-BU
FM9ZFM: Transfer Budget StructurePSM-FM-BU
FR63Park SupplementPSM-FM-BU
FR67Park Supplement DistributionPSM-FM-BU
FMIBPosting Line-Based Budget IncreasePSM-FM-BU
FMNGCE: Actual Distr. and IntegrationPSM-FM-BU
FM7UMultiple Processing of Assgts to CEPSM-FM-BU
FMNIIntegration with the BudgetPSM-FM-BU
Full List of SAP Budgeting and Availability Control Tcodes