SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OF4B

DescriptionAssign transaction/subtransaction
Transaction TypeP
ModulePublic Sector ManagementFunds ManagementBudgeting and Availability Control

The SAP TCode OF4B is used for the task : Assign transaction/subtransaction. The TCode belongs to the KABP_ADDON package.

SAP TCode OF4B - Assign transaction/subtransaction

SAP Budgeting and Availability Control Tcodes

OFSNCollective Expenditure SettingsPSM-FM-BU
FM80Budget Increasing Rev. Maintenance - DisplayPSM-FM-BU
FR51Enter ReleasePSM-FM-BU
FR71Cancel Parked DocumentPSM-FM-BU
FR66Park Release DistributionPSM-FM-BU
FR70Post Parked DocumentPSM-FM-BU
FR92Reconstruction of Release GroupsPSM-FM-BU
FR72Display Parked DocumentPSM-FM-BU
FR60Display DocumentPSM-FM-BU
FR28Display Return PaymentsPSM-FM-BU
Full List of SAP Budgeting and Availability Control Tcodes