SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OICB

DescriptionBOM Modification Parameters
Transaction TypeP
ModulePlant Maintenance

The SAP TCode OICB is used for the task : BOM Modification Parameters. The TCode belongs to the INSC package.

SAP TCode OICB - BOM Modification Parameters

SAP Plant Maintenance Tcodes

OICMPLField selection component list PM/CSPM
OIBDList Task Lists (M.-Level) Location DataPM
OIW3List of Order ConfirmationsPM
OICEBOM Usage Default ValuesPM
OIPPChange functional location categoryPM
OIR7FieldSel. PartnType UserPM
OIW1Activities list displayPM
OIY4C PM PrelimTabSettngs PM Orders 2.1APM
OIRCMulti-Level EquipList - PermitPM
OIY9Scheduling OverviewPM
Full List of SAP Plant Maintenance Tcodes