SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OIRQ

DescriptionFieldSelect. Ser.Number PM Order
Program NameRIOFSE00
Transaction TypeR
ModulePlant Maintenance

The SAP TCode OIRQ is used for the task : FieldSelect. Ser.Number PM Order. The TCode belongs to the INSC package.

SAP TCode OIRQ - FieldSelect. Ser.Number PM Order

SAP Plant Maintenance Tcodes

OIWRReference Location StructurePM
OIOKPosting RulesPM
OIEAEquipment TypesPM
OIEBEquipment Status ProfilePM
OIOPOrder Priority TypesPM
OIDCPM Notifs - User-SpecifPrintControlPM
OIDWDownload catalog profilePM
OIXFMulti-Lev.EquipList - PartnersPM
OIOLService Order IndicatorPM
OIRWList Task Lists (M.-Lev.) - RelshipsPM
Full List of SAP Plant Maintenance Tcodes