SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OMRW

DescriptionTreatment of Exch. Rate Differences
Transaction TypeP
ModuleControllingProduct Cost ControllingActual Costing/Material Ledger

The SAP TCode OMRW is used for the task : Treatment of Exch. Rate Differences. The TCode belongs to the CKMC package.

SAP TCode OMRW - Treatment of Exch. Rate Differences

SAP Actual Costing/Material Ledger Tcodes

OMX3ML Assignment of Valuation AreaCO-PC-ACT
OMXADisplay Quantity Structure TypeCO-PC-ACT
CKMCCSDisplay Actual Cost Component SplitCO-PC-ACT
OMX2Define Material Ledger TypeCO-PC-ACT
CKMCCCManual Change: Actual Cost Comp. SplitCO-PC-ACT
CKMVFMValue Flow MonitorCO-PC-ACT
CKMPDBPrice Difference BalanceCO-PC-ACT
CKM3Material Price AnalysisCO-PC-ACT
CKRU00Create ML Costing RunCO-PC-ACT
CKMSMaterial Ledger Documents for MaterialCO-PC-ACT
Full List of SAP Actual Costing/Material Ledger Tcodes