SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OPSC

DescriptionCreate network types
Transaction TypeP
ModuleProject SystemStructuresOperative StructuresNetwork and Activity

The SAP TCode OPSC is used for the task : Create network types. The TCode belongs to the CN_NET_OPR package.

SAP TCode OPSC - Create network types

SAP Network and Activity Tcodes

CN24Overall Network SchedulingPS-ST-OPR-NET
CN20Dsply network/act.bsc data init.scrnPS-ST-OPR-NET
OPUUMaintain Network ProfilePS-ST-OPR-NET
OPS2Maintain Relationship TextsPS-ST-OPR-NET
OPUCField selection: Network: DetailsPS-ST-OPR-NET
OPSRMaintain milestonesPS-ST-OPR-NET
OPT5Customizing matchcode for networkPS-ST-OPR-NET
OPUDField selection:Network confirmationPS-ST-OPR-NET
OPTPSub-network parametersPS-ST-OPR-NET
OPUAField selection: Network: HeaderPS-ST-OPR-NET
Full List of SAP Network and Activity Tcodes