SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OV63

SAP TcodeOV63
DescriptionRec. account det.: Display table
Program NameSAPMV12A
Screen Number100
Transaction TypeT
ModuleSales and DistributionBasic FunctionsAccount Determination

The SAP TCode OV63 is used for the task : Rec. account det.: Display table. The TCode belongs to the VZ0C package.

SAP TCode OV63 - Rec. account det.: Display table

SAP Account Determination Tcodes

OVZHSD Customizing: Requirements TypesSD-BF-ACT
OV86Condition proc. for credit cardsSD-BF-ACT
OVZ2C SD Tab. MVF Avail. check controlSD-BF-ACT
OV93V_T681F: COPA project all. fieldsSD-BF-ACT
OV25V_T681F: RevAccDeter - Allowed FieldsSD-BF-ACT
OV72Cash account det.: Display tableSD-BF-ACT
OV66Condition types: Acc. det. rec. accountsSD-BF-ACT
ORF1C SD TVST in Route DeterminationSD-BF-ACT
OV92COPA project: Display tableSD-BF-ACT
OVKGC SD Table T005G Ctry/Region/CitySD-BF-ACT
Full List of SAP Account Determination Tcodes