SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - RL16

SAP TcodeRL16
DescriptionRead Account Postings from Archive
Program NameSAPLAINS
Screen Number100
Transaction TypeP
ModuleIndustry Solution AutomotiveReturnable Packaging Logistics

The SAP TCode RL16 is used for the task : Read Account Postings from Archive. The TCode belongs to the ISAUTO_VHU_RL package.

SAP TCode RL16 - Read Account Postings from Archive

SAP Returnable Packaging Logistics Tcodes

RL73IDisplay Internet Matching LogsIS-A-RL
RL71Create RP Account StatementsIS-A-RL
RL07Purchase Order for Ret. PackagingIS-A-RL
ORLRS1Create Condition TableIS-A-RL
ORLRS8Output Procedure for RP Account StatemtIS-A-RL
RL72DDelete Last Statement per AccountIS-A-RL
RL74Archive TransmissionsIS-A-RL
RL06XRP Accounts by Locn and Exchge Part.IS-A-RL
RL71FIssue Account Statement MessagesIS-A-RL
RL17MRP Account Postings by MaterialIS-A-RL
Full List of SAP Returnable Packaging Logistics Tcodes