SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - SWLP

DescriptionCopy a Plan Version
Program NameRHWFCOPL
Screen Number1000
Transaction TypeR
ModuleBasis ComponentsBusiness ManagementSAP Business Workflow

The SAP TCode SWLP is used for the task : Copy a Plan Version. The TCode belongs to the SWL package.

SAP TCode SWLP - Copy a Plan Version

SAP SAP Business Workflow Tcodes

SWPRWFM: Restart WorkflowBC-BMT-WFM
SWI13Task ProfileBC-BMT-WFM
SWL1Settings for dynamic columnsBC-BMT-WFM
SWUTNamespace for Form TransactionsBC-BMT-WFM
SWELDisplay Event TraceBC-BMT-WFM
SWUGGenerate Workflow Start TransactionBC-BMT-WFM
SWDIWorkflow Builder (Selection)BC-BMT-WFM
SWI30Unlock WorkflowsBC-BMT-WFM
SWXFDEMO: Create Notification of AbsenceBC-BMT-WFM
SWWBSchedule WI Deadline MonitoringBC-BMT-WFM
Full List of SAP SAP Business Workflow Tcodes