SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - S_AHR_61015647

SAP TcodeS_AHR_61015647
Transaction TypeP
ModuleCross-Application Components

The SAP TCode S_AHR_61015647 is used for the task : RPLDETQ1. The TCode belongs to the RTTREE_AHR package.

SAP TCode S_AHR_61015647 - RPLDETQ1

SAP Cross-Application Components Tcodes

J2GFMCMaintain J_2GFIELDV - CompanyCA
FRE31Maintenance of Interface Tables MD4CA
CFC02Mapping of AttributesCA
FRE12Delta Transfer of DIF OccurrencesCA
FRE83Number Range Maintenance: FRE_DIF2CA
CFC01cFolders Backend Integration CustomizingCA
J8A7Customizing DesktopLinkCA
J8A3Archiving from File systemCA
CFO3Scheduling Parameters in APO CIFCA
SCRMCRM-Relevant IMG in PlugIn of R/3CA
Full List of SAP Cross-Application Components Tcodes