SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - S_AHR_61016023

SAP TcodeS_AHR_61016023
DescriptionDisplay of TemSe files
Transaction TypeP
ModuleCross-Application Components

The SAP TCode S_AHR_61016023 is used for the task : Display of TemSe files. The TCode belongs to the RTTREE_AHR package.

SAP TCode S_AHR_61016023 - Display of TemSe files

SAP Cross-Application Components Tcodes

CFC02Mapping of AttributesCA
FRE21Upd. Assignment of Initial Buy CheckCA
CFI02Import Objects from cFoldersCA
FRE19 Transaction P.Org + P.Org Assignment to F&RCA
SE38PDelete ALE Change PointersCA
FRE80Number Range Maintnce: FRE_PROCYCCA
FRE51Reorganization Switchover InfoCA
ACO3Allowed Activities per Object TypeCA
J2GPFIFI printing programCA
Full List of SAP Cross-Application Components Tcodes