SAP Table - A268

SAP TableA268
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryIndustry Solution Engineering & Construction

SAP Industry Solution Engineering & Construction Tables

TADBOS01Valid Reports for BOS Reporting in SDIS-EC
KOTJ009Document CategoryIS-EC
TBOSCPCSubcontracting: Assignment of Conditions (MM, SD)IS-EC
J_3GPAKKPackage Header DataIS-EC
J_3GPAKKTPackage DescriptionIS-EC
A255Customer/Loading Cost RelevanceIS-EC
A269Equipment Type/Document TypeIS-EC
J_3GSTLPOSItem Data for Equipment BOMsIS-EC
J_3GBLARTTDocument Type TextsIS-EC
J_3GLEIARTActivity TypesIS-EC

Full List of SAP Industry Solution Engineering & Construction Tables