SAP Table - A321

SAP TableA321
DescriptionThird Country Duty Rate: Import Country/Code
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategoryForeign Trade

SAP Foreign Trade Tables

VBEXSD Document: Export Control: Data at Item LevelSD-FT
T612SForeign Trade/Customs: Electr. Procedure: StatusSD-FT
A326Pharm. Products Duty Rate: Import Country/Code/Pharma. CodeSD-FT
T612PTFT/Customs: Electr. procedure: Shp. unit type - DescriptionSD-FT
T618KForeign Trade: Valid Comb. f. Mode of Transp./Customs OfficeSD-FT
A336Quota Duty Rate: Import Country/Code/Orig.Ctry/Quota NumberSD-FT
T605Foreign Trade: Business Transaction TypeSD-FT
T608ELegal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - Exclusion TextsSD-FT
T606GLegal Control: Legal RegulationsSD-FT
A321Third Country Duty Rate: Import Country/CodeSD-FT

Full List of SAP Foreign Trade Tables