SAP Table - A384

SAP TableA384
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryLogistics - General
Sub CategoryWarranty Claim Processing

SAP Warranty Claim Processing Tables

CWTY014Condition Types for Auxiliary Account AssignmentLO-WTY
CWTYVSActivation Table for Validation/SubstitutionLO-WTY
WTY_ARCH_IDXIndex Table for Archiving Warranty ClaimsLO-WTY
CWTY010TSubobject Types for Recall Campaigns - TextsLO-WTY
WTYBWCTimes of Last BW ExtractionLO-WTY
CWTYA09Link Table Button Profile - Action ProfileLO-WTY
CWTY004TTexts for Parts StatusesLO-WTY
CWTY001TDescription Warranty Claim TypeLO-WTY
WTY_TABLE_ALVAllowed Table WTY for Generic Field AttributesLO-WTY

Full List of SAP Warranty Claim Processing Tables