SAP Table - AD01C_CHK

DescriptionDIP profile: Check function
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryProject System
Sub CategoryRevenues and Earnings

SAP Revenues and Earnings Tables

AD01C_CHKDIP profile: Check functionPS-REV
KFPKDocument Header: Transfer Price Agreement/AllocationPS-REV
TCONUSEUsage of condition typesPS-REV
AD01C_ATTRDIP profile: CharacteristicsPS-REV
KFPEWClearing Amounts in Various CurrenciesPS-REV
AD01C_MATDIP profile: Material determinationPS-REV
VPKDLISales Pricing Dynamic ItemsPS-REV
AD01DLISFDI Flow: Totals FlowPS-REV
KFPETransfer Price Agreement: Allocation HistoryPS-REV
DPPROFHDIP profile: HeaderPS-REV

Full List of SAP Revenues and Earnings Tables