Description | Appl.and Obj. with Activated Language-Dependent Short Texts |
Table Type | TRANSP |
Delivery Class | A |
Main Category | Project System |
Sub Category | Structures |
SAP Structures Tables
Table | Description | Module |
AFAB | Network - Relationships | PS-ST |
CNLDST_APPL | Applications for Activating Language-Dependent Short Texts | PS-ST |
CNLDST_APPLT | Application Names | PS-ST |
CNLDST_OBJ | Objects for Activating Language-Dependent Short Texts | PS-ST |
CNLDST_OBJS | Appl.and Obj. with Activated Language-Dependent Short Texts | PS-ST |
CNLDST_OBJT | Object Type Names | PS-ST |
CNLDST_SHORTTX | Table of Language-Dependent Short Texts | PS-ST |
CNPB_INDX | Preview for Project Builder | PS-ST |
CNSOI_NEW_LOGIC | "New Logic" Used for PS Texts | PS-ST |
COSPP | Transfer of the Order in the COSP Table to the Project | PS-ST |
COSSP | Transfer of the Order COSS Table to the Project | PS-ST |
Full List of SAP Structures Tables