SAP Table - HRP1403

SAP TableHRP1403
DescriptionDB table for infotype 1403
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryEnvironment, Health and Safety
Sub CategoryOccupational Health

SAP Occupational Health Tables

T7EHS00_SRV_FOLTFollow-Up Activities Resulting from Med. Serv. (Text Table)EHS-HEA
T7EHS00_SRV_TYPTMedical Service Appointment Type (Text Table)EHS-HEA
T7EHS00_SRV_BEAApplication: Consultations in Med. ServiceEHS-HEA
T7EHS00_DIAGNTYTDiagnosis Key Category (Text Table)EHS-HEA
T7EHS00_SRV_BEFTest Results for a PersonEHS-HEA
T7EHS00_SERVATable for Storing Other Medical Service PropertiesEHS-HEA
T7EHS00_DIA_CHATCause of Diagnosed Illness (Text Table)EHS-HEA
T7EHS00_PHYTESTTests for Physical ExaminationsEHS-HEA
T7EHS00_RESPCRITCriteria for Corresponding Questions t7ehs00_resquestEHS-HEA
T7EHS00_BEFU_TYResult Code CategoryEHS-HEA

Full List of SAP Occupational Health Tables