SAP Table - HSMC_104

SAP TableHSMC_104
DescriptionCheck Schema/Check Method Assignment
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryEnvironment, Health and Safety
Sub CategoryHazardous Substance Management

SAP Hazardous Substance Management Tables

HSMC_023EHS: Customizing Warehouse Nos with Country/Region AssignmtEHS-HSM
HSMC_100Check SchemaEHS-HSM
HSMC_104Check Schema/Check Method AssignmentEHS-HSM
HSMC_102Check MethodsEHS-HSM
HSMC_112Segregation RulesEHS-HSM
HSMC_025EHS: Assignment Source Object to Target ObjectEHS-HSM
HSMC_027EHS: Assignment Source Value to Target ValueEHS-HSM
HSMC_021EHS: Customizing Priority of Validity Area per Cntry/RegionEHS-HSM
HSMC_111Descriptions of Segregation RegulationsEHS-HSM
HSMC_113Responses for Segregation Rule CheckEHS-HSM

Full List of SAP Hazardous Substance Management Tables