SAP Table - J_3GKAL1

DescriptionSelection Parameters for CEM Calendar Visualization
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryIndustry Solution Engineering & Construction

SAP Industry Solution Engineering & Construction Tables

C497Document Category/Condition Type/Account KeyIS-EC
J_3GPACHTVLease SettlementIS-EC
J_3GBELKORecipient Type per Document TypeIS-EC
J_3GINBELCustomer Numbers Used in DocumentsIS-EC
A255Customer/Loading Cost RelevanceIS-EC
A265Standard Dummy Customer/Document Type/Material Grp/MaterialIS-EC
J_3GNUMKAUAssignment of Number Ranges to Order Types for CEMIS-EC
J_3GSTLKOPFHeader Data for Equipment BOMsIS-EC
KOT4003Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area/RecipientIS-EC
J_3GARCHIVCEM Archiving ListsIS-EC

Full List of SAP Industry Solution Engineering & Construction Tables