SAP Table - KOT4003

SAP TableKOT4003
DescriptionDebited Company Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryIndustry Solution Engineering & Construction

SAP Industry Solution Engineering & Construction Tables

J_3GLKOSTDefault Loading Costs Indicator/Provision FeeIS-EC
TBOSSUPPLEBOS Line: Subsequent StatusIS-EC
J_3GTPMKCost Key Figures of the Maintenance OrderIS-EC
J_3GKATZUDefault Catalog Code per Resource TypeIS-EC
TBOSFSHTTexts for Overhead (Surcharges/Discounts) StructureIS-EC
J_3GEQUIVODefault Values for CEM Equipment DataIS-EC
A278ETM Material / Activity TypeIS-EC
TBOSBZBill of Services Type NameIS-EC
J_3GEMPFBFARTAssign Inventory Mgmt Type to Rcpnt Type/Actvty TypeIS-EC
KOTJ005Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/EquipmentIS-EC

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