SAP Table - P01CIX

DescriptionEntitlement Index
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPension Schemes

SAP Pension Schemes Tables

P01CABRActions from Payroll AccountingPA-PF
P01CADAdministration Data for CPS TablesPA-PF
P01CBEActive CPS ContributionsPA-PF
P01CBFNotional CPS ContributionsPA-PF
P01CBTTransfer Records for Reimbursement of Contributions CPSPA-PF
P01CCVCPS Cumulated Future RightsPA-PF
P01CEEActual Income CPSPA-PF
P01CEFNotional Income CPSPA-PF
P01CETIncorrect Actions CPSPA-PF
P01CGPVested Entitlements CPSPA-PF
P01CIXEntitlement IndexPA-PF

Full List of SAP Pension Schemes Tables