SAP Table - P2UR_FUP

Descriptiontable FUP - future periods
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryRussia

SAP Russia Tables

PA0296HR Master Record Infotype 0296 (Garnishment Document)PY-RU
T7RUT1_CETaxes and netto payments - addition for CEPY-RU
T7RUGYHR: Garnishment Order TypesPY-RU
T7RUT4Values of Minimum PayPY-RU
T7RUGVRules for Calculation of garnishment order typePY-RU
PA0291HR Master Record: Infotype 0291 - Taxes CISPY-RU
T7RUP0Tax schemaPY-RU
P2UR_TAXRussian TaxPY-RU
T7RU9GRPDefinition of the groupsPY-RU
T7RUD1TGroup of deductions - textsPY-RU

Full List of SAP Russia Tables