SAP Table - PA0298

SAP TablePA0298
DescriptionHR Master Record: Infotype 0298
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryRussia

SAP Russia Tables

T7RU0290DRCATTText for Driving License Categories (CIS)PY-RU
T7RUG1Garnishment Document CategoryPY-RU
T7RUG3Rules for Calculation of Garnishment Order TypesPY-RU
T7RUT6Text for Social group SIPY-RU
T7RUP3Grouping of Employees for Pension Insurance/AccumulaPY-RU
T7RUT5_PAIDSocial Insurance - Paid days of illnessPY-RU
T7RUG9Money order fee for payment methodPY-RU
T7RUT5Social InsurancePY-RU
P2UR_RUSTARussian StatusesPY-RU
PA0298HR Master Record: Infotype 0298PY-RU

Full List of SAP Russia Tables